What is Sciatica?

Sciatica is a complex and often debilitating condition characterized by pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve – a large nerve extending from the lower back through the hips, buttocks, and down each leg. At Advanced Orthospine Health Center, we provide targeted, evidence-based treatment to address the root causes of sciatic pain.

The sciatic nerve is the longest and widest nerve in the human body, originating from nerve roots in the lumbar and sacral spine. When this nerve becomes compressed or irritated, it can cause significant pain and functional limitations.

While it can affect anyone, certain groups of people are more susceptible due to underlying health conditions or lifestyle factors.

How can physio help you?

Physiotherapy for Sciatica focuses on relieving pain, improving mobility, and addressing the root cause of nerve compression through:

  • Pain Relief Techniques: Modalities reduce pain and inflammation such as Microcurrent therapy, LASER,or TECAR therapy, other current therapy, ice or heat
  • Manual therapy to reduce pain and improve mobility
  • Spinal decompression therapy: a non-invasive, and non-surgical  treatment designed to relieve pressure on the spinal discs and nerves
  • Stretching and Mobility Exercises: Targeting the lower back, hips, and legs to relieve tension and improve flexibility.
  • Core and Back Strengthening: Strengthening the muscles supporting the spine and pelvis to reduce pressure on the sciatic nerve.
  • Posture and Movement Education: Teaching proper posture and safe lifting techniques to minimize strain on the lower back.
  • Nerve Gliding techniques: Specific movements to exercises to reduce nerve compression and promote healing.

Frequently asked questions

  • ntense, shooting pain radiating from the lower back to the buttock and down the leg
  • Sharp, burning sensations along the nerve pathway
  • Constant pain on one side of the buttock or leg
  • Increased pain when sitting
  • Weakness or numbness in the leg or foot
  • Difficulty standing up or walking
  • Tingling or “pins and needles” sensation
  • Herniated or bulging disc
  • Lumbar spinal stenosis
  • Piriformis syndrome
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Pregnancy-related nerve compression
  • Traumatic injuries
  • Poor posture
  • Prolonged sitting
  • Obesity
  • Muscle spasms
  • Initial pain reduction: 2-4 weeks
  • Functional improvement: 4-8 weeks
  • Complete rehabilitation: 8-12 weeks
  • Maintain proper posture
  • Regular exercise and stretching
  • Ergonomic workplace setup
  • Core muscle strengthening
  • Weight management
  • Stress reduction techniques
  • Regular physical activity

Got more questions? Contact us at Advanced Orthospine Health Center for expert advice and personalized care.​